Bowling is a winter sport and is generally runs from October – December. The Murray Rockets delegation boasts a large bowling. Join us as we cheer on one of our most popular sports!
TUESDAY’S – 5:00 OR THURSDAY’S – 4:30 (We MUST be off the lanes by 6:00 for league bowling)
(If an athlete misses practice he/she MUST practice another time and submit game scores to me or bowl on Tuesday & Thursday)
On the day of competition bowlers are required to wear a collared team shirt, which will be provided by the M/CC Special Olympics delegation, and casual dress pants (e.g., khaki, navy, or black pants. No denim, athletic wear or shorts are allowed)
Who's Eligible?
Eligible athletes and Unified Partners (i.e., non-disabled peers who partner with Special Olympic athletes as a competitive team) need to be at least 8 years of age. We welcome ALL skill levels; from those who may need a ramp to those are highly skilled — we have something for everyone!
Area 1 Bowling Tournament Oct 23-24, Cardinal Lanes, Paducah
***Please note that each athlete must have a current medical on file with Special Olympics KY (SOKY) prior to competition.***
In addition to the Area 1 Tournament all athletes (who compete in the Area 1 Tournament) have the option to travel with the team to Louisville to the State Bowling competition. This is to be held on Dec 1-2.
**Please note that if you do not attend any tournament that you have registered for you are responsible for reimbursing M/CC SO the cost of registration and any other lost expenses due to your cancellation.
Special Olympics Bowling Tournament!
Area 1 Bowling Tournament Oct 23-24, 2021, Cardinal Lanes, Paducah
Contact Info for Bowling
Contact: Laura Miller
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