Rockets Park Needs
- Resurface or fix practice field to make safe for soccer play and practice.
- Soccer goals.
- Soccer field completion (next to softball field). We currently use the outfield of the softball field for practices and move the goals. We would like a more permanent soccer field solution with permanent goals.
- Soccer and Softball Training Tools.
- Fields tools: rakes, shovels, drags, etc.
- Softball field lining tools and templates.
- Bases including home plate
- Dugouts for smaller, practice field.
- Pay for monthly power bill during season, mainly for concessions.
- Scoreboard.
- Irrigation for field.
- Backdrop for home plate to reduce glare of backstop fence.
- Security lights for storage building.
- Heating and air for storage building.
- Finishing out the storage building.
- Solar Lights to light up field at night. (Costs too much to use electricity). Solar light units are around $180 each. Could use 8, but 12 would be best.