
Murray Rockets softball is generally practiced and played from the beginning of June through the middle of September with our final game being the State Softball tournament in Owensboro, KY.


Monday: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 PM – 12:00 Noon

What you will need

  • Water bottle
  • Ball Glove
  • Cleats or athletic shoes with traction. (No metal cleats)
  • Athletic wear
  • Softball Bat
  • Softball Helmet


Currently, the Murray delegation plans to participate in 2 of the 3 regional tournaments held by Special Olympics KY. All players MUST compete in at least one of these tournaments in order to be eligible to participate in the state tournament.

If you have questions about practices, please contact head coach Dylan Volp, 270-293-9771 , Leigh Toby, 270-703-2641 or Jeff French 270-210-7437.