Coaches & Volunteers Orientation

Head coaches are responsible for...

Practices & Training
  • Developing a practice plan for each training session or delegating the responsibility to an assistant coach. 
  • Being knowledgeable of sport and training techniques and staying up to date on all SOKY coaches trainings and volunteer forms.
  • Having access to athlete medicals and emergency contact information at all times.
  • Ensuring that there is water available at all practices for all athletes.
  • Having a defined practice schedule and communicate reminders and changes to athletes and families in a timely manner.
  • Having a first aid kit and incident report forms available anytime athletes are present.
  • Ensure all athletes have valid medicals on file and all volunteers/chaperones/coaches are certified Class A volunteers.
  • Attend SOKY coaches zoom meetings when scheduled
  • Monitor weather conditions and abide by SOKY guidelines for practice
    cancellations or modifications (e.g., Heat Index 95-99 shortened practice, Heat Index 100+ mandatory cancellation -refer to the OSHA heat index app, Lightning within 1 O miles of location athletes are required to seek shelter until there have been no lightning strikes for 30 minutes. See SOKY guidelines.
  • Schedule games and scrimmages and communicate dates to Head of Delegation (HOD).
Health & Fitness
  • Encourage and model healthy habits.
  • When packing team snacks please be mindful to only bring healthy options.
  • Avoid using chips and candy as team snacks, and do not provide sodas or energy drinks.
  • Encourage athletes to set health goals and encourage and praise healthy decisions. The focus is on health NOT weight.
  • Do not allow athletes to consume energy drinks on trips or at practices or any Special Olympics event.
Uniforms & Equipment
  • It is the coaches responsibility to take care of all Special Olympics equipment.
  • Uniforms should be folded neatly and stored in plastic storage boxes, not bags, cardboard, or simply placed in the storage unit.
  • Uniforms and equipment should be inventoried at the end of each season and returned to storage within a timely manner (no later than 1 month post season).
  • All bags and equipment should be cleaned before returning to storage. Making sure there is no trash, food, etc. remaining in the bags.
Communication & Paperwork
  • Communication of team information should be posted to the BAND group for the specific team/sport
  • Communicate the practice schedule, games, events to the HOD
  • Completing all SOKY paperwork (e.g., intent forms, rosters, etc.) or designating someone to do so
  • Submit all athlete registration/medical forms to HOD
Emergency Procedures
  • If a medical emergency occurs, first call 911, then call Head of Delegation (HOD) immediately.
  • If 911 isn’t required but an athlete or volunteer sustains an injury that has the potential for needing medical follow up, notify HOD and complete the incident report paperwork.
  • If an injury occurs while at a SOKY regional or state competition, the Head Coach should seek assistance from the medical team on site. Then notify the HOD if an incident report is required.
  • If there is a threat of violence, weapons on site, or any other act that potentially cause harm notify HOD immediately.
  • Coaches or volunteers are never allowed to speak to the media in the case of serious accident/injury/death or threat. The HOD must be notified. If the media is involved, defer any comments to the HOD or SOKY CEO.
  • All athletes and coaches are expected to abide by the code of conduct.
  • Any athlete or volunteer who either consistently breaks the code of conduct
    (example: repeatedly using inappropriate language, smoking, etc.) should receive a formal written warning. Anyone who commits a major offense will receive a letter in writing and will meet with the HOD to discuss continued participation.
  • Warnings, behavior conversations, and letters should be recorded in the behavior folder in the coaches Google folder.
Transportation & Travel
  • According to SOKY guidelines we must maintain a 4: 1 athlete to coach ratio when traveling and competing.
  • ONLY certified Class A volunteers are allowed to transport Special Olympics athletes at the request of a coach
  • A medication log must be completed for all athletes for any overnight travel
    the HOD or designee will reserve all transportation and lodging.
Purchases & Budget
  • All purchases must be approved by the HOD and/or delegation bookkeeper in advance of purchase in order to be reimbursed.
  • Itemized receipts are required for all reimbursements (note: sales tax can not be reimbursed).
  • Donations received in the form of cash/check/equipment must go the HOD and bookkeeper.
  • All orders should be made by the HOD or bookkeeper using the Amazon business account.
  • No recreational swimming without a certified lifeguard present.

Follow the button below for a complete resource from SOKY for Forms, Sports Manuals, Local Program Tools, Centralized Bookkeeping Forms, Financial, Etc.